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Friday, May 25, 2012

Rio de Janeiro: Photo Blog

A few photos from our five days in Rio.

Spice table at a city street market.

Before sunset at the top of Sugar Loaf.

Enjoying breakfast at the hostel.

One of the monkeys waiting for breakfast leftovers. Blurred in the background is one of Rio's larger favelas.

At the top of Corcavado.

Enjoying some passion fruits in the city market.

El Cristo Redentor overlooking Rio.

Monkey that found some banana.

Monkey mad that he didn't get any banana.

A picture of the sprawling city of Rio from Sugar Loaf.

Grabbing some coconut water on Ipanema beach.

Trying to shave in our hostel. With no mirror and little light, I had to use a headlamp and Lesley's compact. As you may have guessed, I missed a few spots.

On the beach in Rio. Behind us are the mountains known as Two Brothers. To its left is Rio's most infamous favela.

Kevin and I as he showed us around Rio. Kevin is a friend from Denver that moved to Rio a couple months ago.

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